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AgeWell Rehab Services, PLLC
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 (Date: 9/8/2024)

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10 Middle Street, 14th Floor | Bridgeport, CT 06604

Main Office: 203-335-3800 | Fax: 203-336-0105 |

Unlock your leadership potential with Leadership Greater Bridgeport, a transformative nine-month program designed to empower and elevate leaders across business, non-profit, and municipal sectors in the Greater Bridgeport area. Join a diverse cohort of emerging leaders, immerse yourself in regional dynamics, and connect with influential community figures. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of local socio-economic issues, expand your professional network, or embark on impactful community initiatives, this program is your gateway to growth and success.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of the Class of 36! Click the link below to register now and take the next step in your leadership journey.